Launching an energy-efficient federal lighting standard

Launching an energy-efficient federal lighting standard

Wide scale urbanisation, and a rapidly growing economy and population have increased the demand for energy and natural resources. As part of our Ecological Footprint Initiative, we explored ways to drive large-scale reductions in emissions.  

We helped develop the federal indoor lighting standard, which was adopted by the UAE to promote energy-efficient lighting products, reduce energy consumption, cut carbon emissions and provide financial savings for residents and the government.  

The standard has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 940,000 tonnes/year – this is equivalent to removing 165,000 cars off the roads annually. It was developed in close partnership with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA), the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi and the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative. 

UAE Ecological Footprint Initiative