Save ⅓

Save ⅓

We are devouring our planet.

More than 1/3 of all food produced globally goes to waste. We waste not just food, but all the natural resources which go into producing it. We must start to fight food waste today - we must Save 1/3.

We interact with food on a daily basis. And each interaction offers an opportunity for us to make smarter choices to fight food waste and Save 1/3.

Ramadan feasting done differently.

In the UAE, our Save ⅓ campaign peaks during Ramadan, when we drive awareness about the problem and try to ensure that people do not throw away perfectly edible food.

Over the years, our campaign has encouraged the community to collectively alter its habits and contribute to the goal of saving one-third of food wastage in the UAE - by creating local recipes with celebrity chefs and partnering with farms and retailers to amplify our reach.

We believe that when you Shop Smarter, Cook Smarter and Eat Smarter, you can help Save 1/3 of food from going to waste and benefit from a healthier diet. With changes as small as creating a shopping list and a meal plan to avoid impulsive buying, and freezing leftover food, the level of food wastage can decrease dramatically - and these are the changes we aim to drive through the campaign.

Join hands with us.

We are keen to see how we can evolve this campaign to reach even more people! Get in touch with us.