Speak Up for Nature

Speak for a cause

Be the voice for the planet's future

In this Year of Sustainability and in the lead up to COP28, Emirates Nature-WWF, in association with The Posterity Institute, is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative called "Speak Up for Nature".

The initiative encourages diverse prominent figures to support conservation by gifting certificates, contributing to Emirates Nature-WWF's efforts. It comprises four impactful projects, fostering awareness of collective environmental preservation. Speakers can sponsor these projects or gift certificates to attendees, promoting conservation awareness.

"Speak Up for Nature" unites regional thinkers and visionaries, showcasing their contributions to sustainability.

Our Impact

Certificates Issued
Financial Milestones
Events Hosted
Partners Onboarded

How will your contribution be utilized?

With an emphasis on 4 key projects, that are part of our broader portfolio, the funds generated positively impact biodiversity conservation, marine ecosystem restoration and enablement of mass civil society mobilization within the UAE.

mangrove bird

Greening Our Coasts: Mangrove Conservation

Restore and regenerate mangroves in Abu Dhabi & the Northern Emirates for carbon sequestration, fishing & ecotourism, and endangered marine species protection.

Leaders of Change

The "Leaders of Change" program empowers civil society to drive ground-level change through training, incubation programs, & environmental activities, supporting the UAE's global sustainability goals

Reforestation of Shua’a Trees

Reforesting native Shua'a trees in rural communities across Fujairah & the Northern Emirates for livelihood opportunities, product commercialization, market access, and biodiversity enhancement.

Together for Turtles

Nature-based solutions in Abu Dhabi & UAQ Emirates protecting two critical marine habitats that are home to endangered marine species, including turtles, while also supporting benefits for local livelihoods

Why should you join the initiative


Speakers to be given an exclusive certificate for their contribution towards Emirates Nature-WWF’s sustainable efforts.

Emirates Nature-WWF Website

Emirates Nature-WWF to have an exclusive page for the initiative that shall highlight all speakers onboard the initiative

Emirates Nature-WWF Communications

Speakers to be featured in the Emirates Nature-WWF newsletters and blog

Emirates Nature-WWF Socials

Emirates Nature-WWF to promote speakers on board the initiative on its social media platforms

Annual Report

Initiative, its impact and speakers to be featured in Emirates Nature-WWF’s Annual Report

Our Partners In This Initiative

Be a Part of the Initiative

Join us in our mission to highlight the power of collective action, inspiring innovative solutions and driving meaningful progress towards a sustainable future!
